Insights on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Regulations for Packaging

Image 2025-02-12 at 2.29 PM

As a member of IBA (Independent Beauty Association), I had the pleasure of sitting in on their discussion, “Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Packaging Regulations Roundtable Discussion: Guidance for Brands and Businesses”, during the recent LUXE PACK and MakeUp in Los Angeles.

While we are all aware that sustainable packaging initiatives and regulations are constantly evolving, this presentation highlighted the policy of “Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)” and the onus on producers of some, if not all, of the financial responsibility for end-of-life
collection, sortation, and processing of packaging supplied into the United States.

You may ask why this responsibility has fallen onto producers. The thought behind it is that by encouraging producers to choose more sustainable packaging initially, which encourages recyclability and minimizes waste, less will end up in landfills. Incentives, targets, and financial/operational obligations are all a part of these regulations.

While “producer” is defined differently by state (please ensure you are familiar with how your state defines this), it could include brands, manufacturers, importers, 3PL fulfillment partners, distributors, or retailers. States, including California, Colorado, Maine, Oregon, and Minnesota, have already enacted this legislation, with another nine seriously considering it.

For the sake of brevity, I won’t include all the material types that fall under this legislation; please ensure you make yourselves aware of what they are. Some classes include paper/fiber, plastic, and wood/organic materials, with examples listed within. Suffice it to say, that packaging is covered by all the regulations, including consumer and some B2B. While these changes won’t happen overnight, producers should start to plan now to ensure compliance.

Choosing packaging options that are compliant with the new legislation now, including those with the lowest fee obligations, will result in less hassle and stress in the future. In addition to this, brands can use their sustainability efforts as a marketing differentiator and educate existing and potential consumers of their commitment to eco-friendly packaging. This includes choosing products whose packaging is recyclable or compostable.

Knockout Sustainable Packaging Solutions works with brands like RMS Beauty, EXPONENT Beauty, Herbivore, and many more to ensure their brand promise and commitment to environmental sustainability is incorporated into their secondary packaging needs while also considering their brand aesthetics and product safety requirements.

Please contact us to learn more about how Knockout can advise you and source the most compliant packaging options to meet the new EPR regulations.